Labor Pains: Because Being in a Union can be Painful

Archive: Feb 2008

  • Drew Carey on Union vs. Charter Schools

    Posted on Feb 26, 2008 by Jon Berry

    Comedian Drew Carey has been hosting videos at for a little while now, and his most recent piece focuses on Locke High School in Los Angeles, a failing school that became a battleground for the teachers union and the education reformers at Green Dot Public Schools. It’s quite the story — check it out […]

  • Michigan Education Association: Dishing it out “for the kids”

    Posted on Feb 22, 2008 by Jon Berry

    Michigan watchdog Education Action Group (EAG) is calling attention to the lobbying activities of the Michigan Education Association (MEA). Not only was the teachers union the single largest special interest — measured by its lobbying dollars — in the state capital of Lansing, it also seems to spend its lobbying energies on legislation that doesn’t […]

  • The Union Label on Michigan’s “Superdelegates”

    Posted on Feb 20, 2008 by Jon Berry

    With such a close primary election race for the Democratic presidential nomination, the party’s primary structure itself is receiving a lot of attention. In addition to its proportional assignment of delegates (which is making for a close race between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama), the Democratic Party’s nomination system differs from the Republicans’ in its […]

  • UNITE HERE Searching for Google Gag Rule

    Posted on Feb 15, 2008 by Jon Berry

    In its seemingly endless expansion, Internet behemoth Google is looking to build a hotel and conference center near its headquarters in Silicon Valley. In its never-ending search for more dues money, the union UNITE HERE is trying to get in on the ground floor. What makes the union’s conduct distasteful is that it’s trying to […]

  • NEA Rings the Dinner Bell

    Posted on Feb 06, 2008 by Jon Berry

    Today the National Education Association issued a press release that displayed remarkable candor about the union’s institutional tilt to the left, urging Democratic presidential contenders Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to take the union’s electoral clout more seriously while expressing no interest in appealing to Republicans. According to the teachers union’s release, “[w]ith both [Democratic] […]