Labor Pains: Because Being in a Union can be Painful

Blogging the UFCW Playbook

A small blogspot blog has a little note on UFCW organizing:

lance from the union is in his sixties and is scheduled to retire in a couple of months and for the most part is going through the motions. He tells us union stories he has told many time before…

We hear a lot about union organizers — who operate in a seniority environment — going through the motions. This story is from Canada but it all works out the same. We found this interesting, too:

Then he hands each one of us a brown envelope containing ten employee petitions. He is in a hurry, his daughters car which he bought for fourteen grand has broken down and he needs to meet with the mechanic…

We have the petition and according to my calculations all we need is 131 signatures…


Nice brown envelopes full of nice, misleading union literature. Easy …

Categories: UFCW