Labor Pains: Because Being in a Union can be Painful

National Employee Freedom Week Gains Traction

hands shakingThis week is National Employee Freedom Week (NEFW), an annual grassroots campaign of more than 85 organizations (including the Center for Union Facts) educating constituents about their rights to leave their union or stop paying the portion of their dues that funds union political activities.

The coalition is also promoting a new policy called “Worker’s Choice,” which creates a new paradigm in labor relations. It would allow employees who have left their unions to negotiate individually with their employers. This overcomes one of the main arguments against “right-to-work” legislation—which allows employees to decline union membership—known as the “free rider” effect (i.e. those who receive the benefit of union representation but don’t pay for it). See here:

To commemorate NEFW, a wide array of labor experts have published op-ed columns voicing their support for workplace democracy:

Categories: Center for Union FactsEmployee Rights Act