WASHINGTON,D.C. – Today, the Center for Union Facts (CUF) is running a full-page ad in the first edition of the new weekly Washington Examiner highlighting the labor reforms contained in the Employee Rights Act (ERA), a bill that would protect individual workers’ rights in the workplace.
The ad features a photograph of AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, and a quote from Trumka saying, “In order to rebuild our economy and level the playing field for all working people – union and non-union – the law protecting workers’ rights must be enforced.”
The ad responds: “We Agree. In fact, we think that employees should have even more rights on the job – like the right to a secret ballot vote when it comes to whether or not to join a union. And the right to decide if a portion of an employee’s union dues should be given to political candidates.”
“The nation’s labor laws have not kept pace with the American workplace,” said Richard Berman, Executive Director of the Center for Union Facts. “As a result, employee rights have been largely neglected by labor union leaders, who are grappling to save their waning movement. If the labor movement and Congress are serious about ‘rebuilding the economy’ and ‘leveling the playing field for all working people,’ they must include reforms that put employees’ interest at the forefront of labor reform.”
The ERA, which was introduced in the last Congress by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and then-Rep. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), consists of seven provisions that together aim to increase freedom of choice for workers, demand accountability for unions, prohibit coercion and violence, and give workers more control over their own money.
“A 21st century workforce needs 21st century labor laws,” Berman added. “I believe this is a strong step in the right direction.”