Labor Pains: Because Being in a Union can be Painful

NLRB: No Longer Respects Bargaining

The National Labor Relations Board finds itself in awkward position–having been ordered multiple times by the Federal Labor Relations Authority to bargain with its own employees. According to the NLRB Union, the NLRB has yet to bargain in good faith. Employees of the National Labor Relation Board, seeing what unionization has done to for so many others, decided to organize into one bargaining unit in 2005.   Since then, the dispute has festered between the NLRB leadership and what seems to be about 1000 employees nationwide at 30 regional offices.

A shout out to for reporting on how the NLRB’s own union is picketing the new chairman of the NLRB, Wilma Liedman. She recently attended a luncheon recently in San Francisco, only to be yelled at greeted by her own employees. But this wasn’t the first time.

Here’s another press release reporting their picketing in September of 2007, where they picketed the last Chairman of the Board. And here is the Federal Labor Relations Authority’s judgment against the NLRB in favor of the NLRBU, ordering them to “negotiate in good faith,” from November 2007.

If you’d like to see some photos of the union bashing the NLRB, take a look on their website here.  My favorite acrostic of NLRB is “No Longer Really Bargaining.”

Categories: Center for Union FactsEFACHumorNews