Labor Pains: Because Being in a Union can be Painful

GOPers on Unions

The Republicans are debating in Michigan and airing on CNBC, which, as you might expect, cares about business issues. They asked the candidates about unions, and here is your crib sheet:

  • Sen. McCain wasted no time in ripping union officials’ attempt to pass the “Employee Free Choice Act,” which would deny secret ballot elections for employees deciding whether to join a union
  • Mitt Romney echoed the EFCA point
  • Fred Thompson added his two cents against EFCA and denounced the practice of using union member dues on politics
  • Sen. Sam Brownback says Democrats wouldn’t do an adequate job providing oversight against abuse of union member money by union bosses
  • Rep. Tom Tancredo blasted government employee unions because they create a “conflict” that hurts the public and has an undue affect on public policy
Categories: Ending Secret Ballots