Labor Pains: Because Being in a Union can be Painful

Mobile Billboard Alerts Workers to UAW Corruption at Union Convention

Today, the Center for Union Facts placed a mobile billboard in Detroit, Michigan. The billboard — which takes up three sides of a moving truck — will run just outside of the United Auto Workers’ constitutional convention taking place at Huntington Place in Detroit Monday-Wednesday of this week.

The billboard features both video and sound. It warns: “Worker alert! UAW leaders were concealing evidence from Federal Monitor.” The warning for union convention attendees comes after the UAW’s court-appointed monitor filed an update on the union’s progress last week. The report details how union leaders obstructed his investigation into wrongdoing at the union and even concealed crucial evidence.

The UAW was placed under this six-year federal monitorship as part of its settlement deal with the Department of Justice. The deal came after a years-long investigation found several high-ranking union leaders, including two former presidents, guilty of corruption.

You can see the billboard image here (featured on the back of the truck) and watch the video here (featured on either side of the truck).

As we penned in the Wall Street Journal last week, it appears old habits die hard for UAW leaders. It’s no wonder several union members have launched campaigns to challenge the union’s current leadership at this week’s convention. Members may decide such a change is what’s needed to truly weed out corruption at the UAW.

Categories: UAW