The citizens of Michigan are facing a terrible triumvirate of ballot initiatives this fall. As Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) reports, the “Trojan Horse Amendment,” Proposal 2, is joined by two other unsavory referendums:
One is a referendum on a law passed in 2011, Public Act 4, that enables appointed “emergency managers” of financially troubled cities and school districts to override union contracts.
Another would lock into the state constitution a system set up under former Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm, in which home health workers are designated as public employees even if self-employed. The effect would be to channel part of the tax subsidies for home health care into dues and fees to the Service Employees International Union.
The SEIU dues skim has already helped the union pocket $32 million.
IBD says that the votes will come down to the wire. If we go by the polling and a vote on the three pro-union initiatives was held today, the SEIU healthcare dues bonanza would pass, but the emergency manager law and Proposal 2 are still too close to call.