Labor Pains: Because Being in a Union can be Painful

New Poll: 82% of Americans Don’t Want to Join a Union

Today, the Center for Union Facts (CUF) released a unique new poll which found that 82% of non-unionized American workers would not like their jobs to be unionized. The poll, which was conducted by the Opinion Research Corporation of Princeton, New Jersey, clearly demonstrates that an overwhelming number of Americans have no interest in joining a union.

Despite this, Democratic leadership in Congress continues to push the deceptively-named Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), which would effectively force millions of Americans into unions against their will by eliminating their right to a secret ballot vote. This poll indicates that there is no national mandate for a dramatic change in the law to make it easier to unionize. It further exposes the fact that EFCA’s backers are a small group of labor elites trying to push legislation that goes against the interests of America’s workforce.

Unlike labor unions and their affiliated front groups who refuse to release any of their polls’ methodology, CUF’s poll is a straight-forward measurement of Americans interest in joining a union. In addition to gathering basic demographic information, we asked the following two questions to respondents (n = 1,142) who indicated that they were currently employed.

Are you or is someone in your immediate family in a labor union?

Yes: 20%
No: 79%

Of those that answered “no”, we asked:

Would you like your job to be unionized?

Yes: 13%
No: 82%

Margin of Error: +/- 2%

Click here to download a complete description of the poll methodology

“Union leaders can no longer hide behind unsubstantiated claims regarding non-existent support for the Employee Forced Choice Act,” said Rick Berman Executive Director of the Center for Union Facts. “It is clear that the vast majority of Americans have seen the problems associated with unionization and have no interest in paying dues to union officials.”

“Our polling methodology and data are available to the public for review. If union leadership wasn’t trying to hide the fact that an overwhelming number of Americans oppose their efforts, they would do the same.”

Categories: Center for Union FactsEFACNews