Labor Pains: Because Being in a Union can be Painful

New Report Exposes SEIU-UHW Controversial Leadership

A new report by the Center for Union Facts (CUF) dives into years of allegations against the Service Employees International Union – United Healthcare Workers (SEIU-UHW). The allegations include but are not limited to sexual harassment at the hands of union leadership and a toxic work environment.

“SEIU-UHW claims to represent the best interest of healthcare workers. But a closer look into the union suggests it’s anything but a healthy work environment,” said CUF communications director Charlyce Bozzello. “In fact, allegations of a toxic culture filled with bullying and harassment speak to a sickness that’s spreading from the very top of the union. The SEIU’s newest President April Verrett has a duty to weed out bad actors at her union, starting with SEIU-UHW.” 

“The analysis is part of CUF’s ongoing national education campaign regarding the SEIU. This campaign includes a website where information from this report and other details on SEIU-UHW spending can be found. It also features several videos that highlight concerns from real SEIU members about their union. You can see some of the videos here and here.”

The full report is available here

Highlights from the report include:

  • Multiple accusations of sexual harassment conducted by union leadership and subsequent alleged retaliation against the accusers
  • Dave Regan (President) has a checkered history, including being accused of assaulting a process server, charged with resisting arrest, and allegedly pushing a California lawmaker
  • Leadership has been accused of fostering an anti-union work environment
  • Over 1 million workers have levied over 500 unfair labor practice complaints against the union

The report comes as the international SEIU transitions to new leadership under President April Verrett, who has her own controversial history of union busting allegations. 

Categories: SEIU