William Forbath, professor of law and history at the University of Texas and author of Law and the Shaping of the American Labor Movement, used his most recent Politico piece to call for Craig Becker‘s appointment by President. He doesn’t come right out and call the Administration (and the Hill, for that matter) cowards–but he gets pretty close.
His motivation for pushing the Democrats so hard to support labor? To quote the absent minded professor here: “Unions are on the verge of vanishing.” From Politico:
“The Becker nomination offers President Barack Obama a more important opportunity, what he likes to call a teachable moment. […]
But unions are on the verge of vanishing. If the Democrats won’t even go this far to halt the battering unions have been taking, then Democrats and the nation will be the losers. For soon, we won’t have any institutional player to do the heavy lifting, to provide the serious money the Democrats need to campaign for job creation, health care reform and financial regulation. McCain and company have demonized Becker simply because he’s a union lawyer. Obama should stand up to them.”
Did you catch that? Unions are the “institutional player” that do the “heavy lifting” and pays the bills in the house of card check.
Image courtesy of Veebl.