The Los Angeles Times reports that the SEIU won another organizing election against the NUHW. Healthcare workers at a hospital and two nursing homes in Hollister, CA voted to remain with the SEIU instead of joining the recently formed NUHW.
Much like their bitter contest in Fresno last week, the NUHW plans to challenge the election results on legal grounds.
What’s notable from the Times‘ article is the fact that the SEIU is actually asking federal officials to prevent organizing elections from occurring at multiple hospitals, nursing homes, and other facilities across the state:
The SEIU has asked federal officials to stop elections at dozens of other hospitals, clinics and nursing homes up and down the state, saying the new union has engaged in a variety of unfair labor practices. The breakaway group calls the allegations baseless and has accused the SEIU of using corporate-style tactics to halt the balloting.
“The SEIU is only willing to have an election where they feel they have a chance of winning,” said John Borsos, an interim vice president of the new union.
Not surprisingly, the SEIU did not respond to inquiries about why elections were acceptable in Fresno and Hollister, but not elsewhere throughout the state.
It appears that the SEIU is picking the battles that it can win and counting on legal action to disrupt its areas of vulnerability. What’s particularly ironic is the SEIU accusing the NUHW of “unfair labor practices.” Recall that the NUHW filed a similar complaint against the SEIU for its dealings with Bank of America.