Labor Pains: Because Being in a Union can be Painful

2.5 Million Union Facts Visitors Can’t Be Wrong, Especially Union Bosses

Since we launched the Center for Union Facts a little over a year ago, we’ve attracted 2.5 million unique visitors to the website. Our greatest fans seem to be union members themselves. But they’re not alone. We’ve received thousands of visits from … union bosses! Topping our list of visits from union offices are the good folks from the United Auto Workers, with a very healthy showing by staff from the National Education Association and AFSCME. (Click here to see the popular YouTube parody of AFSCME, but be warned: it’s seriously adult language.) Thanks, guys, we’ll help reform you yet!

What keeps bringing the crowd? Some people think it’s the information on finding your own union. Some think it’s the great information on where members’ political money goes, and still others think it’s our documentation of unfair labor practices.

Those are great, but I still love the ads.

Categories: Violence