If you’re planning to attend Conservative Political Action Conference this weekend, you might have some unpleasant company. The local AFL-CIO has planned to ‘Occupy’ the conference and protest the greed of the wealthy 1%. The union has organized an official joint event between member and Occupy DC to protest the conservative activist.
There have also been reports that the AFL-CIO has booked rooms for Occupiers at the Marriott hotel, allowing them to bypass security measures at the door. This is extra nice of the union considering Occupiers recently lost their home in McPherson Square. The AFL-CIO has also helped Occupy DC by storing their belongings at its headquarters in advance of the National Park Service’s enforcement actions.
With workshops like “Return of Big Labor: What Can We Learn from Wisconsin & Ohio,” and “Taking back Wall Street: The Tea Party vs. Occupy Wall Street,” it’s obvious why unions would want to disrupt the conference, but how just how far will they go?