Labor Pains: Because Being in a Union can be Painful

The Crazy, Mixed Up World of Al Franken and EFCA

In the through-the-looking-glass world of Al Franken, taking away the guarantee of a private ballot to Minnesota workers actually gives them MORE privacy.  Huh, you say?

Well, according to funny man Franken, in receiving the endorsement of the Minnesota Building and Construction Trades Council, by our count the 22nd union to endorse Franken, worker privacy would be strengthened by allowing union organizers to strong arm workers into signing a card rather than maintain their right to a private ballot in which they can vote their consciences.

In his speech, rather than explain how less privacy was actually more privacy, Franken resorted to what he knows best, name calling.  He labeled us a “Norm Coleman front group.” 

This, like his description of EFCA, is obviously false.  Franken and his supporters in the Minnesota DFL party have clearly become a bit unglued by our efforts to tell Minnesotans about EFCA and Franken’s support for it.  But calling us names and filing frivolous legal complaints won’t stop us from telling the truth.  In fact, it will have the opposite effect.

Categories: Anti-Corporate CampaignsEnding Secret BallotsMinnesotans for Employee FreedomUncategorized