Labor Pains: Because Being in a Union can be Painful

Rotten Leadership in New Jersey

A popular radio talk show duo in New Jersey walked out of the middle of their own show earlier this month to take their families into hiding after State Troopers Fraternal Association President David Jones (himself an active New Jersey state police officer) held a press conference throughout which he waved the home address and license plate number of one of the talk show hosts for cameras.

It appears that someone leaked to the radio hosts a conversation on the state troopers union’s web forums in which anonymous state troopers discussed the possibility of a May ticket-writing blitz in retaliation for complaints about state police. The hosts went on to publicize the discussion, which provoked Jones’s press conference. The Gannett news service reported:

“I’m going to release the names and addresses of these people and then their sponsors, and all of the car dealerships and everybody else that sponsors that show is going to have to deal with the reality that they’re putting public servants and the public in general in harm’s way, and I’m going to make sure that everybody knows, until they get their act together, who these people are, where they live, what they do and how it is that they’re misleading the public and creating this furor,” Jones said…In an interview, Jones said, “I don’t believe in intimidating anyone.”

For good measure, Jones had some words for the person or persons who leaked the “blitz” discussion (presumably from the membership of his own union):

Jones said he did not know who floated the idea of a ticket-writing campaign on the union Web site but believes he knows who leaked the information. He said it didn’t matter if police were threatening to go on a ticket-writing campaign.”If guys, be they troopers or not troopers, choose to vent on a blog board, that’s their right, and that’s a board that’s supposed to be shared,” Jones said. “A couple of cowards obviously compromised it, and when I find out who those Girl Scouts are I’m going to crush ’em like bugs.”

The radio hosts have since come out of hiding. As of today, Jones has not been fired.

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